


PBFA is a website I worked on before I went freelance, whilst at Framework Agency. It involves a lot of custom code as it's a bespoke application for the company to manage all of their book fairs, customers, events, and more.

Written with a back-end of Laravel and Laravel Nova and some custom JavaScript on the front-end to handle all the required functionality, this site was a really fun one to build. When working on this project I scaffold everything from the database, the diagrams, the system and the front-end code. 

One of the larger parts of the build was writing a custom admin for their book dealers that allows them to upload their books they wish to sell so that anyone browsing the site can see what is available and contact the dealer. This is still being used and populated to date which is great as it means it's something their customers get real value of.

Originally, the client had a system that was hosted on their internal computers in the office, and they had no access to it when not there. They needed something that was more accessible and future-proof. Part of the process of moving them across involved writing systems that would pull the data from their old system and format it to be appropriate for the new website. 

